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Nara, Osaka & Himeji – 11/06/2019 to 11/13/2019

In this article, we will tell you about our experience in the cities of Nara, Osaka and Himeji.


Nara is a small town located between Kyoto and Osaka. It is easily and quickly reachable from these two cities by train.

Nara is known for being the city of deers. Indeed, they wander freely in its park, but also near its temples and in the mountains.

Hi little deer!

Some deers are rather wild, but most of them are used to men. It is possible to buy “crackers” to feed them, which we indeed did!

Snack time for deers

Nara also hosts several temples, and we also saw some magnificent landscapes during our walk in the adjacent mountains.

Wakamiya Temple


Osaka is the third largest city in Japan, it is home to a large number of expatriates.

Osaka shopping district

The city is famous for its food, especially with its Takoyaki (fried balls with octopus) and its Okonomiyaki (stuffed omelette), and its nightlife.

Dotonburi neighborhood


Finally, Himeji is a city mainly known for its medieval castle, considered one of the most beautiful in Japan.

Himeji Castle

Not far from the castle, there are also the Koko-en gardens, which are particularly beautiful in this autumn period.

Koko-en Gardens

To learn more about these three cities, we invite you to watch the following video: