Welcome to Thailand!
The last country on our journey was Thailand. We had originally planned to spend a full month there, but with the start of coronavirus restrictions, our return flight through China was canceled.
We therefore had to find tickets at the last minute, which was bad because we arrived during the school holidays for France (and therefore a significant increase in costs for tickets). Eventually we found a return to February 18 which shortened our time in the country and forced us to revisit our travel plans.
We have therefore chosen to focus on the West coast, the capital Bangkok and the former capital Ayutthaya, unfortunately neglecting the East coast and its islands as well as the North of the country. We hope to return there on a future trip!

Thailand is a magnificent country, filled with gorgeous landscapes and architectures (we were particularly delighted by its many temples and its thousands of golden Buddhas!). Being a very touristy country, there is good infrastructure to welcome tourists and it is very easy to communicate in English.
Where the roads of Vietnam were very noisy with non-stop horns, we found some peace in Thailand, although driving on the left side of the road was a test for Pierre who drove the scooter!

Koh Lanta
In France, the name Koh Lanta is mainly associated with the famous survival show on beautiful islands. In reality, Koh Lanta is a set of islands, the two main ones (Koh Lanta Yai and Koh Lanta Noi) welcome tourists throughout the year.

Between its bright sun and its paradisiacal beaches, we really had a “lazy” holiday effect, very different from our previous trips.

Renting a scooter has allowed us to discover the two main islands and little corners of paradise.

We have also booked a long tail boat excursion, which are tourist boats powered by car engines with a long rudder. This excursion allowed us to discover the surrounding islands and to practice snorkelling.

If you want to know more about Koh Lanta, we invite you to watch the following video: