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Khao Sok – 02/09/2020 to 02/12/2020

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est khao-sok.png.

After visiting the beaches, on our way to Bangkok, we chose to stop at Khao Sok National Park.

The park is separated into two distinct parts: Khao Sok (jungle part) and Khao Lak (lake part). Although there is a lot of positive feedback on the lake part, given the little time we had there, we chose to focus on the jungle part.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est IMG_20200210_100639-576x1024.jpg.
Monkeys in the park

Khao Sok Park has one of the largest virgin forests in southern Thailand. At the entrance to the park, you can see monkeys roaming around. In order to avoid confrontation with them, we were asked to consider them as if they were rocks, and therefore not to stare at them so that they would not feel threatened.

It was particularly hot and humid in the park, which made walking through the jungle very tiring.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est IMG_20200210_140449-1024x576.jpg.
Water pond within the park

During our excursion in the park, we met several French people. It was not very clear whether one of the areas of the park was accessible to the public or not, but we decided to go all together, and it was a very nice visit!

A little travel anecdote, one evening in Khao Sok, electricity was cut throughout the entire village. So we went to eat in one of the restaurants in town that was lightened by candlelight, while the cooks were cooking with a headlamp.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est IMG_20200210_180516-1024x576.jpg.
A field near our hotel

To find out more about the park, you can watch the following video: