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Last weekends in Yangshuo (阳朔) / Guilin (桂林) – Weeks of the 09/23/2019 and 09/30/2019 (Lila)

The weekend of 28-29 October was my last weekend in Yangshuo itself, although I still had one week of classes left ahead of me.

As for my entire stay in Yangshuo, the weather was particularly hot (even very hot since it was mostly over 30°C) and beautiful, but a slight drop in temperatures allowed us to enjoy a bike ride to Fuli Bridge.

Fuli Bridge

To see more about this trip, you can watch the following video:

The next Monday was my birthday and I enjoyed this moment surrounded by friends from all over the world.

A well surrounded birthday!

At the end of the same week, I said my goodbyes to the school and classes (morning and afternoon) in which I had spent my last five weeks.

My morning class
My afternoon class

Finally, on Saturday, the 5th of October, I left Yangshuo to go to Guilin in order to spend some time with a friend that I met at Omeida last year.

Back together again!

After that, it was time for me to discover other cities in China before joining Pierre in Japan!